Friday, February 12, 2010

Miley Cyrus Bad girl gone Good?

Miley Cyrus is or at least was a bad girl. What's this?? Miley's a bad girl gone good? Oh my! Mil is helping Haiti! Not just that but she's part of the "Get ur Good on" project! So help Get ur Good On at that's all on this topic!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ditchin' The Jo Bros, Jo Bros May Be No More

Nick Jonas goin' solo. Jonas Brothers no more? Keep reading for deets.

Nick Jonas has recently released a track "Who I Am" with a different band? The other Jonas' are NOT in the track! Only Nick and his new band. Who is his band? "The Adminastration" (I think thats how you spell it lol) that's right if you go on Google, YouTube, Yahoo, Ask, Bing, any website you won't find anything named Who I Am by The Jonas Brothers. It's by Nick Jonas and the Adminastration who released their debut album Febuary 2, 2010. Ok I didn't spell Administration right for all you offcial people out there its spelled Administration. When you type in Nick Jonas and the Administration on Google Images the only pictures that come up are of Nick! Their CD album art only has Nick on it... hmmm... interesting... starting a new band is called a "side project" as Nick and his family call it. Is this the end of the Jo Bros??? What will happen to the show? What will happen to the fans? It's like Hillary Duff and Miley Cyrus, they think they could be famous without their show. Say if Selena quit Wizards and just did music NOT acting do you think she would still be famous??? The Jo Bros did first start off with their music and not their show and they are getting comments like "You can sing and play instruments but you CANT ACT!"


If you heart Jonas all you have to do is one thing ASK.

ASK. If you have a YouTube account send a personal message to the Jonas Brothers. Send a message to JonasBrothersMusic and they will answer! Just ask one thing "Are you guys breaking up?" THATS ALL YOU HAVE 2 DO 2 KEEP THE JO BROS TOGETHER!!! Find some info on their e-mail address, AIM, Twitter, MySpace, FaceBook, ANYTHING! If you love Jonas go out and keep the band together!

Rumors about Miley

Miley was recently snapped a photo of just for fun but when paparzzi looked at it more closely they decided to start a dirty rumor. Without any information from Miley or her boyfriend Liam Hemsworth they posted everywhere that Miley was engaged. Becuase of Miley's ring with a diamond on it that looks a little like an engagment ring they said she was engaged to Liam. That rumor isn't true. All you girls who are crushing on Liam don't be crushed, Miley and Liam are just dating. And all you boys reading who like Miley (not many) just be aware they are not engaged you still have your chance. :-)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Team Demi

demi. selena. BFFs. Right? WRONG! Demi, Selena, NO MORE! Somebod from the U.K. caught this footage of Demi at the airport. A girl asks "How's Selena?" and Demi replys "Ask Taylor!" and adds an evil smile :) ok I'm Team Demi ALL THE WAAY no matter WHAT but I admit that was a little low, I'm a HARD CORE Demi fan and I'm never letting go. Wait your a bit confused? Demi only said "Ask Taylor!" what Taylor the answer is Taylor Swift. Selena and Taylor Swift have been recently hanging out 24/7. Demi's been hanging with JB (Justin Bieber, you know about the "Battle of the Letters") and have you noticed Demi's YouTube Channel hasn't been having any videos of her and Selena's webshow anymore! It's just Demi's personal private Channel about her and her music. Ok video URL it's down at the bottom of this post, just one word before watching, the video is not appropriate for younger viewers, it has a FEW curse words so DO NOT watch if you are 9 and under. It's from the "What the BUCK?!?" show. If you are not allowed to watch that show do not click on the link below.


Former heart throb Robert Thomas Pattinson (why the middle name, idk, just felt like being proper, lol) has grown a BEARD! What??? That's correct (should of said right, again-being proper)!!! OMG all u Robert lovers r prob freakin out!!! (no more proper lol) Rob has been spotted lookin like a 30 year old!!! Eww! Don't believe me? Look at the picture above! Good-Bye hot Rob! (I admit I used 2 be robsessed)


justin bieber is fighting for the top spot of the name JB. His competition is the...Jonas Brothers... JB and JB are both sweet music people who can't live without their fans. Justin fans of course choose him to be the JB but Jo Bro fans choose the Jonas Brothers. Hard core Jo Bro fans say this "I'm sorry Justin, there's only one true JB and that's the Jonas Brothers, sorry hard core fan!" It is true that Jo Bros were first but all Justin fans know that Justin is the sweetest guy around by hearing him say "Hello beatiful, how are you today?" and "Hi gorgeous!" to fans. Now there's a competition going on. In Justin's defense he's sweeter. Joe Jonas from the Jo Bros broke up with T. Swift in a 15 second phone call! What a jerk! Justin is sweeter. We all know. I'm sorry Jonas. I'm Bieleber (like believer but in Bieber formation)



for you Jonas Brothers fans


Which one???

You dish out in the comment box below
(Justin Bieber bottom)
(Jonas Brothers top)

JB learns a lesson from GLP

Hearthrob (who certainly caught my heart) Justin Bieber learned a lesson from GLP. Wondering who GLP is? He's General Larry Platt! Wondering who General Larry Platt is? THE SINGER/SONGWRITER OF THE SMASH HIT SINGLE "Pants in the Ground"!!!!!!!!!!!!! What lesson did JB (Justin Bieber=JB) learn? To wear a belt. That's right now JB always wears a belt. "That guy was awesome!" JB said at the "We Are The World" press confrence there was a little time to chill and have some fun. Now, who hasn't heard the song "Pants on the Ground"??? It's in goverment, the internet, the streets, and more. ITS EVERYWHERE!!! Larry must be proud. He's a celebirty! But next year will his fame go away? I HOPE NOT!!! Don't forget General Larry Platt!